Saturday, October 4, 2008

$850 BILLION? Shame On the Lot of You!

Speaker Pelosi,

We can't get $700B through the House, but there is no issue with $850BILLION?

Are you all just plain nuts???

$150 BILLION dollars was added to a bill that may well NOT work and this is supposed to be good?

GW Bush got one by the House and Senate once again for something that you all "hope" will work.

Given the economy, do you really think that lenders are going to continue lending? Tell me you aren't that naive.

I'm all for Barack and hope, I'm just not willing to pin $850 BILLION dollars on "hope."

Please explain how, if we are a nation feeding at the trough of credit, that this solves the problem? We've bought a month or two, maybe even six months or a year, but at the end of that $850 BILLION dollars we'll be no better off. We'll still be a nation in debt and sooner or later it will all come tumbling down. How dare you put that onto me in my later years or worse yet, onto my son!

Please, tell me you know more than I do and then explain what you know. This is insane.

For shame on the lot of you. That we are even in this position is treasonous.

Monday, September 29, 2008


I need to delete this. If you know how to delete a blog on google... lemme know. :)

Letter to Nancy Pelosi

I'm listening to you speak now Speaker Pelosi (on C-Span). This is an extremely dangerous path we are about to embark upon.

Not one person/speaker has said... "this is a good package," not one person!

Every speaker has said, “I don't like this” or “This is not something I would do.” or “This bill is tragically flawed, but immediate action is needed.”

I just heard a Senator say, “I will support this bill and I HOPE that it will work.” He hopes it will work? $700Billion is a lot of money to put on a “hope.”

So contrary to the words you all speak, you ARE doing it!

I hear what you will do "after" this is passed. We all know that nothing will happen once this bill is passed and Wall Street gets thier welfare. At least be honest about it. "We'll come back to this, we'll come back I assure you. The party is over!"

No, you won't come back. Once the Bankers are bailed and get their money and are saved, they come in with lawyers and lobbyists and influence and Washington DC does what it always does, go back to bickering, and disagreeing, etc...

The worst aspect about this Act, is that IT MAY WELL NOT WORK!

You say "we'll come back to this..." I'm sorry, but no, you won't. You have had 30+ years of warnings and you haven't "come back to it." At best, this is another band-aid and we'll have put the problem off again for another 10 years or so. Just because the substantive elements of this bill have been improved upon, doesn't mean its any better of an idea. It doesn't mean, it will work any better.

Bottom line, up to $700 billion could be "invested" in Wall Street Banking Welfare and there is NO money back guarantee.

And all of this is based upon somebody who woke up 11 days ago and said... "Wow, the US is in a financial crisis."

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Federal Wall Street Bailout and Welfare Program

Dear Senators,

Why would you (we) do this on a countdown clock? This is no way to make policy, or make a reasonable decision. This is wrong, wrong, wrong. It’s only a recipe for making the problem worse. We can’t “borrow” another $700B if this doesn’t work.

What sane government spends hundreds of billions of dollars on a plan that they fully acknowledge may or may not work?

What type of government makes this insane “investment” while at the same time acknowledging that, even if it does work, it is only a band-aid at best and puts off the problem yet again? Moreover, since when is the US government in the business of gambling?

What aren't we being told? I see it on their faces, they hold their noses while giving news briefings. The house Republicans seem to be the only ones willing to bring any sanity to this process. I have great respect for all the Democrat legislators, so I really need help in understanding thier position and why they are so willing to jump into bed with Bush on this.

On the surface, given the information I have, this is reckless government, and an irresponsible way for our elected officials to conduct business. Doesn't this bill deserve at least a week or two of study and discussion?

I don't understand this crisis at all. I "get" the supposed "crisis"... but who woke up and pulled the "financial crisis" alarm? Two weeks ago, this "crisis" didn't exist. Outside of the recession, it doesn't feel like a crisis, it doesn't look like a crisis, so what gives?

I am calling, writing, and faxing my representatives (and the various committees) daily, urging that they NOT push this through w/o significant discussion and contemplation. I urge everyone to do the same.

Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008